The world is going through an unusual period of crisis at the moment due to the novel coronavirus named Covid19. High net worth individuals around the world reconsider their investment options and future plans. After the crisis is alleviated, individuals will have an entirely new financial world with changed definitions and updated priorities.
Sooner or later, this period will end, and investors will have to adapt to new circumstances. One thing this crisis teaches everyone is to take nothing for granted. Therefore, it will definitely lead everyone to worry about securing their assets more comprehensively. Investors will not be able to feel safe when a single blow can have devastating effects on their businesses or possessions. There emerges a question: how and where can investors secure their financial endeavors?
According to Forbes, Portugal will be the best place to invest in after COVID-19
According to the trendy American finance magazine Forbes, Portugal’s Algarve region will be the best place to invest in after the Covid19 crisis is over. The reasons include the region’s amazing climate, safety, great infrastructure, high-quality health care, language advantages, golf courses, world-class beaches, low cost of living, healthy living conditions, and retiree perks.
Algarve Region of Portugal
Often presented as one of the most peaceful places throughout Europe, the Algarve Region of Portugal lies at the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to its beauty, the region is globally known as one of the best places to live. Thus, investing and living in here does not only make sense financially but also in terms of wellbeing.
To start with, Algarve enjoys 3300 hours of sunshine every year, which is statistically at the top of Europe. It also means that the climate is similar throughout the year, with no sharp fluctuations. The sense of safety is not only financial in Algarve, but also about everyday life. In terms of safety, crime rates are also among the lowest in Europe. To be exact, Portugal has the third-lowest crime rate throughout the continent. Most of the crimes committed in Portugal are limited to busy seasons, while pickpocketing is the most popular petty crime in the country. However, as long as one is careful about their belongings, this crime does not cause a lot of problems. Portugal also is one of the countries that handled the immigration crisis best.
Another reason as to why Portugal has a stable economy and satisfactory welfare is the country’s highly efficient infrastructure. Especially in the last decade, Portugal experienced some impressive improvements in terms of infrastructure. Moreover, with its free public health care, Portugal is among the top-ranked countries in terms of health care quality. Services that are not free are also considerably cheaper when compared to the USA or other European countries.
The region also has many golf courses and world-class beaches. Considered together with the affordability of the area, Algarve is an amazing place to reside. It is possible to live a comfortable life in Algarve for 1300 euros per month. The region is around 30 percent cheaper than most other areas in Western Europe.
Finally, almost everyone in the region speaks English, and this effaces any problems regarding language. All things considered, in the post-crisis world, the Algarve region of Portugal is the best place to choose for overseas investment and residence.
Through the Golden Visa program in Portugal, it is easy to settle in the country and apply for Portuguese Citizenship.